Blue Beer from Hokkaido

I can travel to Hokkaido now… so enjoyed my trip to Hokkaido on my dining table ! Never tried this. Didn’t taste like typical beer but it’s good to try something different especially the time like now! Can’t wait traveling around the world again …

Staycation ! West Japan

This is my trip in Feb this year in a small island in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. We stopped and bought so many local fresh produce and cooked in our lovely cottage. Even in Feb, we were very careful for the virus. Then decided to rent a car and didn’t use any public transportation…

Homemade Sushi Ginger

Autumn is a season of fresh ginger in Japan. Made two bottles of homemade sushi ginger. It’s not only for Sushi … can be eaten same as a sorbet for French cuisine. Refresh our mouth between dishes. It helps our immunity too!

Vegan Restaurant, Okinawa

There are many vegan place in Okinawa but I tried one of those place while I stayed there last year. Heart of Naga city near the Makishi Kosetsu Ichiba market. Actually I am not vegan but really like it to have for my healthy food diet especially during weekend when I stay at home. Okinawa…

Cafe with a breathtaking view of the inland sea ! – Japan

In early Feb, I drove past Shimanami Kaido bridges and enjoyed island hopping by car. We found a little caravan to serve a cup of coffee and lemonade. The region is known as citrus fruits and lovely seafood even craft beer. We couldn’t stay longer and try the craft beer place but defiantly would like…

Mikan Orange Jelly

Hiroshima, Japan is a famous place to produce good quality of Mikan Orange or tangerine. It’s a kind of Japanese citrus fruits and well known as a winter fruits. The region has so many beautiful islands on the Seto Inland Sea 🌊 and the environment suits the production such as rich sunshine and mild sea…

Bento x Rail Travel

Bought a bento at Hakata (Fukuoka Station, Kyushu) JR station and enjoyed while the trip by Shinkansen. Ebisu Beer went well with the Japanese 🍱 Bento. Highly recommended to buy lovely bento and enjoy when you guys come to Japan and enjoy the trip by JR Pass! Bento – Torisobiro, minced chicken cooked with shoyu,…

Explore the local market

Strolled around the central area of Kumamoto city in Kyushu, Japan. Found a small vegetables market near the Main Street. Japan has four seasons and good to stop sometimes and see and feel each season and enjoy the fresh, rich bounty!